Energy dictionary
What are swap transactions? And what does the dual flow model mean? In the following, our experts have explained key terms from the energy industry in a simple and understandable way.
1 Gigawatt = 1000 Megawatt
1 Megawatt = 1000 kilowatt; Watt is the unit of power. It was named after the Scottish scientist and engineer James Watt. The capital letter W is used as the unit symbol.
1 Megawatt hour = 1000 Kilowatt hours; Compared to watts, the watt-hour (Wh) is the unit of measurement for work. A watt-hour corresponds to the energy that a system with a power of one watt absorbs or emits in one hour. A 50-watt light bulb that lights up for one hour thus converts 50 Wh.
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators - The European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators is based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and has the task of monitoring and regulating European energy markets in the interests of transparency and stability.
The ACER registration code is assigned by ACER to each registered market participant and is uniquely assignable. It is used to identify the market participant when transmitting transactions.
Algo trading
Algo trading is the term used for automated trading with the help of algorithms. Algo trading is particularly suitable for the intraday market: Here, algorithms can act more precisely than human traders due to the large number of trades, volatile prices and enormous speed. At Vattenfall, for example, we use the Position Closer, which automatically closes open positions when defined market conditions occur.
Annual maximum load
The annual peak load in Germany is currently around 75 to 80 gigawatts. It reflects the highest consumption, i.e. the highest withdrawal from the electricity grid.
The term as-forecasted refers to the purchase or delivery of electrical energy as a schedule according to a forecast made for a facility before the fulfilment time (e.g. day-ahead).
The term as-produced refers to the purchase or delivery of electrical energy corresponding to the actual amount of energy produced in a plant.
The auction is a form of trading on the power exchange in which all buy and sell orders are first collected in order to calculate the Market Clearing Price after the close of trading.
Balance model
According to BK6-20-059, there are two balancing models under Redispatch 2.0, the planned value model (the planning of the plant is the responsibility of the EIV and is communicated to the grid operator ex-ante) and the forecast model (the forecast of the plant is the responsibility of the grid operator).
Balancing energy
Electricity producers and commercial electricity consumers must forecast the amount of electricity they will feed into the grid (i.e. sell) or withdraw from the grid (i.e. consume) on the following day in order to ensure grid security. These forecasts are called schedules or profiles. If there are deviations and thus an imminent imbalance between feed-in and withdrawal, control energy is made available. While balancing energy regulates the flow of electricity, balancing energy regulates the flow of money.
Balancing group
A balancing group is a virtual energy quantity account for electricity and gas. The balancing group provides the link between the virtual world of electricity and gas trading and the physical world of energy supply and grid stability. A balancing group ensures that only the energy that has been produced or extracted is sold or delivered.
Trading transactions in wholesale with physical fulfilment are represented as schedule deliveries between different balancing groups and transmitted to the network operator. There are special exchange balancing groups for the settlement of transactions on the spot market.
Balancing group management
The balancing group management covers the following tasks:
- Daily transmission of load forecasts of consumers, deployment schedules of power plants, feed-in of storage facilities as well as schedules of energy trading transactions to the transmission system operator.
- Determination of actual consumption by consumer groups by the distribution system operator.
Billing of balancing energy by the transmission system operator to the balancing group managers.
In energy trading, the base is a trading product. The demand of an industrial customer consists of the base load and the peak load. From the perspective of the grid and the producer, the base load is the minimum amount that is consumed - and thus also produced - at all times.
BK6 in connection with Redispatch 2.0
Ruling Chamber 6 is responsible for the regulation of access to electricity supply networks as well as for a variety of related topics and is responsible, for example, for the determinations according to Redispatch 2.0.
A broker is an intermediary between buyer and seller. In energy trading, brokers operate in over-the-counter trading (OTC).
Call variants: Toleration case vs request case
In the case of acquiescence, the grid operator controls the system, and in the case of a request, the system operator or a person responsible for deployment commissioned by him controls the system. The toleration case represents the standard in redispatch 2.0, because the request case means an additional risk (fulfilment risk) for the EIV or plant operator.
Climate targets
Within the framework of German, European and international climate policy, different climate goals are being pursued to protect the climate and limit global warming, for example the two-degree target, which aims to limit global warming to less than two degrees Celsius by 2100 compared to the level before the start of industrialisation.
The central goal of German climate protection policy is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Thus, national greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 and by 80 to 95 percent by 2050.
Coal phase-out
The term coal phase-out refers to the German government's plans to end the production of electricity in coal-fired power plants to protect the climate. In January 2019, an appointed commission presented recommendations for measures that take climate protection, economic growth and job protection into account: Coal-fired power generation is to be gradually reduced and ended. Targets are set for 2022 with 30 gigawatts (15 GW each of lignite and hard coal) and 2030 with 17 gigawatts of capacity (9 GW of lignite and 8 GW of hard coal). By 2038 at the latest, no more coal capacities are to be connected to the grid and the construction of new coal-fired power plants is no longer to be approved.
Connect+ Project
The fulfilment of the amended legal requirements of the Network Expansion Acceleration Act (NABEG) requires the redesign of coordination processes and data exchange between network operators and market participants as well as between network operators themselves.
For plant operators in particular, Connect+ will offer a Germany-wide "Single Point of Contact" (SPoC) for data exchange. Network operators can also use this SPoC for cross-network level coordination processes.
For this purpose, standardised solutions for data exchange are being jointly developed in Connect+. The Connect+ project was started as an implementation project parallel to the BDEW project "Redispatch 2.0", which is developing the processes. The aim of the Connect+ project is the technical implementation of a uniform data path for the exchange of data required for future redispatch. The project partners are the four German transmission system operators and currently 17 distribution system operators.
Connected load
The connected load, also called connected value, is the maximum output of electrical energy, gas or district heating provided at the respective connection point and used as a basis in the design of the installation.
Continued operation
The term "continued operation" refers to the operation of a renewable energy system after the expiry of the EEG subsidy.
Control energy
Control energy ensures the short-term balance between electricity generation and electricity demand, also taking into account unforeseen events in the electricity grid. For this purpose, the output of controllable power plants can be adjusted at short notice, fast-starting power plants such as gas turbines can be started or pumped storage power plants can be used. Alternatively, certain electricity customers can be disconnected from the grid with load control.
Controllable resource (SR ID)
A new type of code number (SR-ID for short) is being introduced in the German energy market for the identification of a controllable resource. The SR-ID is an alphanumeric, 11-digit identification number. The identification number is issued centrally by Energie Codes und Services GmbH.
The coordinates of a plant indicate the geographical latitude and longitude - i.e. the geographically exact location. This is important for the pricing of plants and is used, for example, for direct marketing and power purchase agreements.
The term counterpart refers to a trading partner in energy trading.
Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA)
A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a bilateral long-term electricity supply contract concluded between a seller (plant operator) and a buyer (a power consumer such as a utility or large industrial consumer). The contract regulates the delivery of a quantity of electricity at a fixed price or equivalent financial compensation. The term corporate power purchase agreement is used when the buyer is a company.
Current profile structuring
In energy trading, structuring refers to the transfer of a load profile of an electricity consumer into suitable trading products in wholesale energy trading. The aim is to procure the forecast, required energy quantities as precisely as possible, cost-effectively and with as little risk as possible.
Data Provider
The DP receives and transmits information between the parties involved, which includes in particular the process data (master and movement data) required for Redispatch 2.0.
Note: The ANB shall perform the role of the DP by default, unless it transfers the role to a third party. Such a transfer of the DP function can, for example, be made to the network operator cooperation project RAIDA (the market partner ID for using RAIDA is provided by EWE NETZ GmbH on behalf of the network operator cooperation. This is 9979425000005).
The day-ahead market refers to the trading of electricity for the following day, which takes place, for example, on EPEX Spot in Paris, the spot market of the European Power Exchange, on the Energy Exchange Austria in Vienna or in over-the-counter trading. The term auction market is also used in some places.
Departure time starting from PROD_Min until mains disconnection [min].
This is to be understood as the typical time period within which grid disconnection is achieved, starting from the minimum active power feed-in.
Direct marketing
In subsidised direct marketing, electricity from renewable energies is sold directly, for example via the market premium model on the EEX power exchange. Here, the green electricity generated is traded on an equal footing with conventionally generated electricity and sold at the same market price. The exchange revenue as the average monthly market value of the corresponding energy source (wind, solar) is transferred by the direct marketer to the operator, the market premium is paid out by the distribution grid operator. The sum of the exchange revenue and the market premium corresponds at least to the amount of the fixed feed-in tariff. In direct marketing, a distinction is made between the mandatory direct marketing of new installations and the optional direct marketing of existing installations.
Distribution system operator
A distribution system operator maintains electricity grids at the grid levels in the low-voltage, medium-voltage and high-voltage range for regional electricity supply. A distribution system operator is thus downstream of the transmission system operator.
German: Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz
The German Renewable Energy Sources Act regulates the preferential feed-in of electricity from renewable sources into the electricity grid and feed-in tariffs for producers. The version currently in force is the EEG 2021.
EEG-Investment key
The EEG installation code is a legally defined, unique identification feature of a renewable energy installation. The grid operator assigns the installation code when the installation is registered for the first time. The key consists of an "E" for renewable energies and 33 numbers.
The European Energy Exchange (EEX) in Leipzig is a market place for energy and energy-related products and part of EEX Group. As an institution under public law, EEX is subject to the German Exchange Act.
EIV Operations Officer
Deployment manager according to Redispatch 2.0. He is responsible for the deployment of controllable resources.
Electricity labelling
Electricity labelling is the legally required information provided to energy consumers about the types of generation of the electricity they consume. It includes the proportional distribution of the energy sources from which the electricity is generated.
End of EEG remuneration
The EEG remuneration ends on the date of commissioning + 20 years at the end of the respective year.
Energetic difference quantities
If, in the planned value model for plants with fluctuating generation, the outage energy according to Chapter 3 deviates from the balance sheet compensation according to Chapter 2.1.2, this energetic difference is financially compensated using the ID-AEP.
Energy transition
Energy transition is the transition from the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy to a sustainable energy supply with renewable energies. The goal of the energy transition is to minimise the ecological problems caused by conventional energy production and to internalise the external costs incurred in the process, which have so far hardly been priced in. In view of global warming, the decarbonisation of the energy industry is particularly important. The energy transition encompasses the three sectors of electricity, heat and mobility.
EnWG = Energiewirtschaftsgesetz
The objectives of the EnWG are
- the "secure, reasonably priced, consumer-friendly, efficient and environmentally compatible" supply of electricity and gas to the general public by pipeline, which is increasingly based on renewable energies,
- ensuring "effective and undistorted competition in the supply of electricity and gas and the long-term efficient and reliable operation of energy supply networks", and
- the implementation and enforcement of European Community energy legislation.
The European power exchange EPEX SPOT SE is an exchange for short-term power trading in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. When people talk about EPEX prices, they mean the clearing prices of the respective products, for example in day-ahead and intraday trading.
The European power exchange EPEX SPOT SE is an exchange for short-term wholesale power trading in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. EPEX SPOT was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Paris.
Feed-in management, also abbreviated to Eisman or Einsman, means that a grid operator regulates the feed-in of electricity from renewable energies. This forced curtailment becomes necessary when individual sections of a distribution or transmission grid are overloaded and a bottleneck threatens the security of supply. In concrete terms, this means that, for example, wind turbines are turned out of the wind or inverters are switched off at solar plants. The energy that is switched off is referred to as outage work.
Feed-in power
Feed-in power means the power that is actually fed into the grid, i.e. minus all losses. A distinction must be made here between solar (from kWp as connected load to feed-in) and wind (with losses due to generators, etc.).
Fixed price
Fixed price refers to a contractually fixed price for the provision of a service over the entire term of a contract - for example, a fixed price over a 10-year term under a PPA.
Forecast model
The forecasting model is a term from Redispatch 2.0, in which renewable energy plants are treated in the same way as conventional power plants, which means that the previous feed-in management does not apply to them. The basic principle is that each plant should be placed in the same position as if the redispatch measure had not taken place. In other words, there should be neither a (financial) advantage nor a disadvantage. Each plant must be operated either according to the planned value model or the forecast model. In the planned value model, the grid operator receives the forecast for the plant from the operator or the direct marketer. In the forecast model, the grid operator prepares the forecast for the respective plant himself.
Green Corporate PPA
Green Corporate PPA = Green Corporate Power Purchase Agreements
A PPA is a long-term contract for the purchase or supply of electricity. Green means that the electricity comes from a renewable energy plant, Corporate means that the electricity buyer is an industrial company.
Green power certificate
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), Green Tags, Renewable Energy Credits or Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) are official certificates that a certain amount of electrical energy has been produced from renewable energy sources. Green energy certificates are tradable regardless of the energy produced.
Greenfield PPA
A Greenfield PPA is a long-term contract for the purchase of electricity from a renewable energy plant.
Installation document
The installation document is a letter confirming that the hardware and software required for remote control of a renewable energy system has been installed and tested. Among other things, the installation document states the EEG-Investment key.
Intraday Trading
Intraday trading allows for the very short-term correction of shortages and surpluses. It is divided into auction trading and continuous trading. In auction trading, 15-minute contracts are traded for the following day until gate closure at 3 pm. Continuous trading comes closest to the delivery point: it opens at 4 p.m., i.e. one hour after the closing of intraday auction trading. From this point on, continuous trading in hourly, half-hourly, quarter-hourly and block products is possible. In contrast to the auction, in continuous trading a transaction is always concluded if a buy offer is at least as high as a sell offer present on the exchange or a sell offer is not higher than a buy offer present.
Load profile
A load curve is a time series that indicates the power that is exchanged between balancing groups or fed in or withdrawn at the feed-in or withdrawal node every quarter of an hour for electricity and every hour for gas.
Lump-sum settlement procedure
If renewable energy systems are deactivated as part of feed-in management, the grid operator must compensate the system operator for the electricity not fed into the grid. This is done according to the flat-rate billing procedure or the peak billing procedure.
In the flat-rate billing procedure, the system output of the last quarter of an hour is used as a flat rate for the time of regulation. In the peak billing method, the hypothetical feed-in pattern is determined and billed on the basis of weather data such as solar radiation or wind strength.
The Market Rules for the Implementation of Electricity Balancing Group Settlement (MaBiS) are a decision of the Federal Network Agency. With this decision, the authority regulates all business processes related to balancing group settlement and market communication.
Market access
We refer to market access as the ability for customers to obtain direct market information about trading activity on the energy markets and then independently execute trades via an online portal. Vattenfall's market accesses include the Intraday Trader, Click & Trade, the Energy Trader and our Direct Market Access.
Market information
At Vattenfall, market information is an essential part of the offering to customers. We inform customers in various newsletters and also offer direct insight into what is happening in the energy markets through our market access.
Market location
Energy is either generated or consumed at a market location. It is connected to the grid with at least one line. Up to now, there have been various terms for the term market location, including delivery point, withdrawal point, exit point, metering point or metering point.
Note for new customers:
Without a market location, no installation can be registered with the network operator.
Market Master Data Register Number
The Market Master Data Register is the register for the German electricity and gas market. It is abbreviated MaStR. The MaStR is primarily used to register the master data of electricity and gas generation plants. Each unit, e.g. a wind turbine, has a MaStR number.
In addition, the master data of market players such as plant operators, grid operators and energy suppliers must be registered. The MaStR is maintained by the Federal Network Agency.
Market partner ID of the data provider
The BDEW code number is the market partner ID in the German electricity market and thus your identifier for market communication. All market participants and their specific roles are identified via this ID.
Note: The ANB is to perform the role of DP by default, unless it hands over the role to a third party. Such a transfer of the function of the DP can take place, for example, to the network operator cooperation project Connect+. This provides the IT system "RAIDA" for the nationwide data exchange according to Redispatch 2.0 to take over the data provider functionalities (the market partner ID for the use of RAIDA is provided by EWE NETZ GmbH on behalf of the network operator cooperation. This is 9979425000005).
Market premium
In most cases, those who market electricity from renewable energies directly sell it on the electricity exchange via the market premium model. Instead of the EEG subsidy, they receive an average monthly market value and the market premium. Thus, the market premium compensates for the difference between the wholesale electricity price and the plant-specific subsidy amount.
Master data
The master data of a generation plant includes technical data such as geo-coordinates or, especially for solar plants, the orientation and inclination of the solar modules and, for wind plants, the manufacturer, plant type, rotor diameter and hub height. However, it also includes commercial data such as the contractual partner or the bank details.
Measurement location
A metering location (metering point) is a place where energy (electricity or gas) is measured. It includes the technical facilities for determining and transmitting metered values. The metering location is uniquely identified by a 33-digit metering point designation. The determined metered values are the basis for calculating the energy consumed or generated.
Metering point
Metering point is the designation for the point at which utility services such as electricity, gas, heat or water are provided to consumers. The point of delivery is assigned a unique designation, the point of delivery designation. A point of delivery can be an electricity meter in a building or several metering points that are combined into a virtual point of delivery, for example in a company with several transfer points.
Metering point operator
According to the Metering Point Operation Act (Messstellenbetriebsgesetz, MsbG), every consumption point must be equipped with a metering point so that energy consumption can be tracked and assigned to a supplier. For the majority of consumption points, this task is performed by the so-called base-certified metering point operator (gMSB), which - as long as a consumer does not choose another operator - is usually the local network operator. Competitive metering point operator is "a third party that performs the task of metering point operation by contract according to § 9 (MsbG)".
Monthly market value
The energy carrier-specific market value means the average hourly prices on the spot market of EPEX Spot, which are offset with the energy carrier-specific factors. The transmission system operators publish the monthly market values on the following website:
MPES stands for market processes for generating market locations (electricity). The processes regulated by the Federal Network Agency have been valid since 1 December 2019 and apply to market locations that generate electricity and whose generated quantities can change suppliers.
Network operator
The grid operators operate the electricity grid at the different voltage levels: Extra-high voltage, high voltage, medium voltage, low voltage.
Nuclear phase-out
The term nuclear phase-out refers to a state's political decision to stop operating nuclear power plants. In Germany it refers to two events:
- the agreement reached in 2000 by the red-green federal government with the four nuclear power plant operators to shut down German nuclear power plants after generating certain amounts of electricity (also called the "nuclear consensus").
- the decision of the German Bundestag on 30 June 2011 to reverse the lifetime extension decided in autumn 2010, to shut down eight nuclear power plants permanently and to shut down the remaining nine at specific times. This was triggered by the nuclear disaster in Fukushima (Japan) in March 2011.
Online measurement
Online measurement is the technical prerequisite for Remotecontrollability remote controllability.
Onshore / Offshore
Onshore = on the mainland
Offshore = on the high seas
Onshore and offshore are designations for wind farm locations. Different EEG remuneration rates apply to the two variants.
Operator of technical resources (BTR)
German: Betreiber der technischen Ressource
This is the system operator or a natural or legal person commissioned by the operator. The system operator must perform this market role or delegate it.
OTC-Market = Over-the-Counter-Market
OTC is the term for bilateral electricity trading, also with brokerage.
In energy trading, peak is an electricity trading product and describes a delivery with constant power from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00.
Peak billing procedure
If renewable energy systems are deactivated as part of feed-in management, the grid operator must compensate the system operator for the electricity not fed into the grid. This is done according to the flat-rate billing procedure or the peak billing procedure.
In the flat-rate billing procedure, the system output of the last quarter of an hour is used as a flat rate for the time of regulation. In the peak billing method, the hypothetical feed-in pattern is determined and billed on the basis of weather data such as solar radiation or wind strength.
Planned value model
The planned value model is a term from Redispatch 2.0, in which renewable energy plants are treated in the same way as conventional power plants, which means that the previous feed-in management does not apply to them. The basic principle is that each plant should be placed in the same position as if the redispatch measure had not taken place. This means that there should be neither a (financial) advantage nor a disadvantage. Each plant must be operated either according to the planned value model or the forecast model. In the planned value model, the grid operator receives the forecast for the plant from the operator or the direct marketer. In the forecast model, the grid operator creates the forecast for the respective plant himself.
Planning data
Planning data comprises various data points which, according to BK6-20-61, are to be transmitted to the connection system operator by the system operators for redispatch measures.
Post-EEG plants
Post-EEG is the term used to describe renewable energy plants that run out of EEG subsidies after 20 years. They are also called Ü20 plants. For these, for example, continued operation is an option.
Power profile
The terms load profile, load curve, load curve, load curve characteristic or, depending on the time axis, also daily or annual curve refer to the course of the power consumed over a period of time.
With the help of a standard load profile (SLP), the load profile of a market location can be forecast and accounted for without recording power measurement.
A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a bilateral, long-term electricity supply contract concluded between a seller (plant operator) and a buyer (a power consumer such as a utility or large industrial consumer). The contract regulates the delivery of a quantity of electricity at a fixed price or equivalent financial compensation.
In an on-site PPA, there is physical proximity between the generation plant and the buyer, for example if the plant is located on the premises of an industrial company. Thus, a direct physical delivery takes place without using the public electricity grid.
In an off-site PPA, the generator delivers the electricity to the consumer through the public grid. Therefore, additional settlement of the quantities via the balancing groups involved is necessary.
In a sleeved PPA, an energy service provider acts as an intermediary between producer and consumer by taking over processes and services such as forecasting or balancing group management.
In synthetic or virtual PPAs, electricity producers and consumers from different price zones come together and the physical flow of electricity is decoupled from the financial flow of money.
Price hedging
In energy trading, price hedging is referred to as hedging. These are hedging transactions in which a second transaction is made to hedge the original transaction. As a rule, the second transaction is a forward transaction.
Price-Index "ID-AEP"
Index "ID-AEP" in accordance with Art. 1 Para. 3 of the amendment proposal of the German transmission system operators responsible for the control area of 18.12.2019, which was approved by decision of 11.05.2020 (BK6-19-552).
Proof of origin
The guarantee of origin is an electronic document that certifies the origin of electricity in Germany. It certifies how and where electricity from renewable energies was produced. At the same time, this document ensures that this quality can only be sold once. Producers of electricity from renewable energies can have guarantees of origin issued by the Federal Environment Agency for the amount of electricity they produce and feed into the grid.
The Connect+ project of various network operators provides the IT system RAIDA for the nationwide data exchange according to Redispatch 2.0 to take over the data provider functionalities.
Real-time data
According to BK6-20-061, real-time data includes three data points:
- Change in driving mode through control for RE-SEE wind/solar (market-related, emission-related, etc.).
- Active power
- Usable energy content (for storage)
Of course, there are other definitions of real-time data.
Redispatch, Redispatch 2.0
The term redispatch refers to the change in the planned use of power plants. To ensure grid stability, transmission system operators prepare an overview of the expected feed-in and withdrawal at the different grid levels. If the actual feed-in or withdrawal deviates and grid bottlenecks are expected, they take redispatch measures. For example, power plants are activated or instructed to increase their output. At the same time, power plants near the bottleneck are instructed to reduce their output. Redispatch is currently carried out with power plants of 10 MW or more.
With Redispatch 2.0, smaller renewable energy plants and CHP plants are also to be included in the redispatch measures from October 2021.
Reference yield per turbine (kWh)
Each turbine, i.e. each wind turbine model, has its specific, calculated reference yield. This is calculated from the output at a given reference location with a specific reference wind speed and height. The reference yield can be obtained from the manufacturer or also under www.wind-fgw.de/themen/referenzertraege.
REMIT stands for "Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency" and refers to the EU Regulation No. 1227/2011 of 28 December 2011. The Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency aims to combat insider trading and market manipulation.
Remote controllability
Remote controllability is a term from the field of renewable energies. It means that with software and hardware, the electricity production of generation plants can be controlled by means of remote control both by the grid operator in the event of grid bottlenecks and by the direct marketer.
Resource Identification Numbers (Resource ID)
The objects technical resources and controllable resources and the bundles control groups and cluster resources are used in the process handling for Redispatch 2.0 and for grid operator coordination. These objects and bundles, some of which are new, must be clearly identified in the electronic data exchange. New resource identification numbers (resource ID) are introduced for handling market communication, specifically the TR-ID, SR-ID, SG-ID and CR-ID. The BDEW application aid "Resource ID: formation regulation" describes the formation regulation for the new identifiers as well as the allocation process. The regulations apply to the electricity sector.
Reverse charge procedure / Reseller
In certain cases, it is not the entrepreneur providing the service who is liable to pay VAT to the tax office but, exceptionally, the recipient of the service, for example when an entrepreneur based abroad provides a service in Germany. The reverse charge procedure is referred to as the reverse charge procedure.
The entrepreneurial recipient of services becomes the person liable to pay VAT if an entrepreneur resident in Germany makes the following supplies:
Gas via the gas network, if the entrepreneurial service recipient also supplies natural gas itself as a "reseller".
Electricity, if the supplying trader and the business service recipient are resellers.
Settlement variants: peak, peak-light or flat-rate settlement
By defining the billing variant, the way in which the outage work is determined for plants with fluctuating generation is defined.
Peak billing is based on measured weather data for the plant. Simplified peak billing, on the other hand, is based on reference measured values or weather data for the site.
In the case of flat-rate billing, the last measured value of the last quarter of an hour before the measure is updated.
Single-flow model
The single-stream model and the two-stream model are terms used in direct marketing. In the dual flow model, the system operator receives the average monthly market value from the direct marketer minus the fee for the direct marketer. The system operator still receives the market premium from the grid operator. In the event of the insolvency of the direct marketer, the system operator would "only" lose the monthly market value, but the market premium would continue to be paid by the grid operator. Thus, the dual flow model provides better protection for the system operator.
In contrast, with the single-stream model, the plant operator receives remuneration from the direct marketer in the amount of the value to be invested minus the direct marketer fee. At Vattenfall, we only offer the dual-flow model.
Swap transactions
Swap is a term used in energy trading. In a transaction between two parties, a variable price is converted into a fixed price for a defined period of time. The transaction is purely financial; there is no physical delivery. The contract specifies terms, quantities and prices. Any price differences that occur are settled in previously agreed periods. There are also swaps in which a variable price is converted into another variable price.
System Operator Guideline SOGL
The System Operator Guideline or SO Regulation 2017/1485 is a guideline for transmission system operation. It contains harmonised rules for network operation for transmission system operators, distribution system operators and significant network users and thus forms a common legal framework for network operation in the EU. The aim is to facilitate electricity trading, ensure system security, guarantee the availability and exchange of data, integrate renewable energies and make grid use efficient. To this end, the regulation contains numerous obligations regarding the design of methods and processes.
System type
The turbine type is part of the master data of a generation plant - just like the manufacturer, rotor diameter or hub height.
Technical Resource (TR-ID)
For the identification of a technical resource in the context of Redispatch 2.0, a new type of code number (TR-ID for short) will be introduced in the German energy market. The TR-ID is an alphanumeric, 11-digit identification number. The identification number is issued centrally by Energie Codes und Services GmbH and assigned to a technical resource decentrally by the code holder.
In order to ensure grid stability, every electricity producer and every commercial electricity consumer (e.g. energy supplier or industrial company) must forecast the amount of electricity that will be fed into or withdrawn from the grid by them on the following day. These forecasts, also called "schedules" or "profiles", must be submitted to the transmission system operator one day before delivery and offtake.
Transaction number with the network operator
The process number, also called the project number, is an identifier in the grid connection contract. It is assigned by the grid operator and identifies a specific metering point.
Transmission system operator
The transmission system operators (TSOs) operate the electricity grid at the highest voltage level, the extra-high voltage. In Germany, this is divided into four control areas operated by Tennet TSO, 50Hertz Transmission, Amprion and TransnetBW.
Travelling minimum active generating capacity [kW]
This output represents the minimum output of a generation plant that can be permanently fed into the electricity grid.
Two-stream model
The single-stream model and the two-stream model are terms used in direct marketing. In the dual flow model, the system operator receives the monthly market value from the direct marketer minus the fee for the direct marketer. The system operator still receives the market premium from the grid operator. In the event of the insolvency of the direct marketer, the system operator would "only" lose the monthly market value, but the market premium would continue to be paid by the grid operator. Thus, the dual flow model provides better protection for the system operator.
In contrast, with the single-stream model, the plant operator receives remuneration from the direct marketer in the amount of the market value minus the direct marketer fee, as well as the market premium that he would otherwise receive from the grid operator.
At Vattenfall, we only offer the two-stream model.
Type of technical controllability
Granularity and design of the control between the EIV and the installation in the case of a request
Value to be invested
The Applicable Value is defined in cents per kilowatt of installed capacity and is used to calculate the market premium. It represents the primary support rate for renewable energies, which is financed via the EEG levy. It is determined by the BNetzA on the commissioning date or as the award value from an auction.
Virtual Powerplant
A virtual power plant is a software system that bundles several renewable generation plants and makes them jointly controllable and marketable